Video Communications Zoom | Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL).
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- Admitted Student Tool Kit | Future StudentsMediasite has resolved the issues that began around AM. Users may log in and access services. SF State continues to accrue sfsu zoom download unprecedented volume of Zoom cloud recordings from the preceding remote instruction semesters sfsu zoom download as part of continued instructional activities.
Beginning July 1,Zoom Cloud sffsu will move to a day or older deletion process. Sfsu zoom download is a change from the previous day deletion источник статьи initiated in January and will impact recordings made prior to July 1, This only impacts instructors who have saved Zoom Recordings into the Zoom Cloud. Delete recordings immediately 2. Do nothing scsu let the recordings delete 3.
Retain recordings by saving them outside of Zoom. Instructors wanting to continue using old recordings should download the recordings to their computer and then post them to iLearn using iLearn video. Select Recording in downloxd menu on the left, then mark the checkbox next to each recording you want to delete.
Select Delete at the top of the page. The best place to post video for instruction is through iLearn video. If you have questions regarding services, please contact AT Soom at at sfsu. Mediasite has notified customers of an issue that began on Thursday, June 30, at AM.
Beginning this Summer, instructors are able to opt-in courses to use Canvas instead of iLearn. For students, this means that some продолжить чтение your classes may be in iLearn, while others will be in Canvas.
Any courses that are in Canvas will have [Canvas] in front of the name, and clicking on the link will take you to a page where you can log in to Canvas to access that course.
The instructor may not have published it yet. If the class appears on your class list on your schedule, but does not show up in your list in iLearn, you may need to wait until your instructor publishes the course before it appears on your list. Want to know more about Canvas? In addition /5786.txt your scheduled classes, you will also see a class in Canvas called Passport to Canvas.
This self-paced course will guide students how how to get the most out of Canvas. SF State accrued donwload unprecedented volume of Zoom cloud recordings during preceding remote instruction semesters over 72 Sfsu zoom download and counting.
To address this significant storage overage, Academic Technology initiated a process to delete cloud recordings on a rolling basis beginning Fall for recordings made on or before January источник статьи, Recordings subject to removal may be downloaded onto your personal computer downloadd device using these instructions in this cownload guide also linked below any time before the removal date. Follow instructions in this guide also linked sfdu to upload a video to iLearn using iLearn video.
Faculty can begin teaching their courses in Canvas this Fall. Please review this guide to learn more about how you can opt-in your courses for Fall Courses opted-in will show up sfsu zoom download Canvas instead of iLearn. Faculty can migrate iLearn course information to Canvas by following the steps in this guide to migrating course content.
Academic Technology AT has identified and fixed the issues affecting the sfsu zoom download dowbload log in to iLearn. Support: If you have questions or concerns, please contact Academic Technology at at sfsu. AT is currently working on resolving this issue and will notify users when service is fully restored. If you have sfsu zoom download regarding the maintenance, efsu contact Academic Technology at at sfsu. Sign up today. Support: Sfsu zoom download you have questions, please contact Academic Technology at at sfsu.
Instructors with Zoom recordings in the cloud have three choices: 1. Retain recordings by saving them outside of Zoom Zooom wanting to continue using old recordings should download the recordings to their computer and then post them to /2357.txt using sfsu zoom download video.
To post sfdu iLearn video The best place sfsu zoom download post video for instruction is through iLearn video. Support: If you sfsu zoom download questions regarding services, sfsu zoom download contact Donwload Services at at sfsu. What you can expect: Instructors are unable to upload new Mediasite content or link existing content to iLearn or Canvas. Students and instructors may be intermittently unable to play back Mediasite hosted video content.
Services Impacted: Mediasite uploads and playback Support: Sfsu zoom download you have questions regarding the outage, please contact Academic Zoon at at sfsu.
Sfsu zoom download Cloud Recording Deletion Change - July 1, Thursday, June 16 — am SF State continues to accrue an unprecedented volume of Zoom dosnload recordings from downloas preceding remote instruction semesters and sfsu zoom download part of continued instructional activities.
Information for students in classes using Canvas Tuesday, May 24 — am Beginning this Summer, instructors are able to opt-in courses to use Canvas instead of iLearn. Reminder: Zoom Cloud Recording Rolling Deletion Wednesday, May 11 — am SF State accrued an unprecedented volume of Sfzu cloud recordings during preceding sfsu zoom download instruction semesters over 72 Terabytes and counting.
To download sfsu zoom download recordings Recordings subject to removal may be downloaded onto your personal computer or device using these instructions in this support guide also linked below any time before the removal date.
Sfsk you can expect: Users attempting to log in to iLearn may experience нажмите чтобы перейти database connection error. Support: If you have questions regarding the maintenance, please contact Academic Technology at at sfsu.
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