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Zoom app architecture.We're now downloading Zoom ...- How Zoom Provides Industry-Leading Video Capacity - Zoom Blog
Zoom scaled from 20 million to million users virtually over night. What's incredible is from the outside they've shown little in the way of apparent growing pains, though on the inside it's a good bet a lot of craziness is going on.
Sure, Zoom has made some design decisions that made sense as a small spunky startup that don't make a lot of sense as a defacto standard, but that's to be expected.
It's not a sign of bad architecture as many have suggested. It's just realistically how products evolve, especially when they must uplift over weeks, days, and even hours. Sudden success invites scrutiny, so everyone wants to know how Zoom works. The problem is we don't know much, but we do have a few information sources:. How Zoom sustains such a huge demand of bandwidth.
I dont think it is disruption of video conferencing as many other players provide great video content with reasonable cost structure already and some free. Let's not confuse disruption with murdering an industry.
Disruption is something valuable where its first of kind product with some technology leverage which has not been implemented before and helps the users reduce the cost of such service or give it free with some ad revenue streams not stealing data though.
Zoom is not disrupting but backed by greedy investors to murder other video conferencing companies first and then slowly start making money after killing all other small-time competitors to fight with the likes of bluejeans or google meet. One thing I have noticed from all these high scability apps is that they are using cloud services from """big tech""" giants such as Google, AWS, etc. In essence, they are "renting" space from the big tech giants. Thanks for going in detail on this topic.
I was always curious why my Zoom meetings just worked. With Teams I see a hit to video quality and it's generally a very slow bulky app. Zoom meetings feel quick and agile while my Teams and Webex seem like they are doing way too much in the background. Notify me of follow-up comments via email. Explain the Cloud Like I'm All Time Favorites. Real Life Architectures. Support in Patreon. Start Here.
All Posts. Amazon Store. Recent Posts. May 14 Reader Comments 3 How Zoom sustains such a huge demand of bandwidth. June 20, NVins. February 19, Anon. May 18, Michael.
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Zoom app architecture. Here’s How Zoom Provides Industry-Leading Video Capacity
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